So Blessed To Be His Wife

Every day I’m reminded of why I fell in love with my husband. It really is the little things that add up, especially when they’re unexpected, as well as the every day things we take advantage of. For example:

Ryan works so hard to support us. Okay, honestly, he would do his job regardless. However, because he does..and has made the choices in life that he has I’m able to stay at home. We both like it this way too, he’ll tell you that he’d like working to be a choice for me, not a requirement. So for the past year I’ve been a stay at home wife and will be a stay at home mom after our little one arrives, our little family is so lucky this is something we’re able to do.

Speaking of support, Ryan supports me in every way possible. I want to start a new venture? No problem, he’ll help me do it any way he can. He makes sure all my needs are met completely-emotionally/mentally, materialistically, etc. He is my partner.

He’s also my very best friend. We talk about everything, share everything, do most everything together.

He compliments me and compliments me every day. He is by far, the sweetest man I have ever known. I’ll frequently wake up to “Good morning beautiful” text messages, such a great way to start your day 🙂

I’m anxious and impatient and he is calm and patient. He is exactly what I need to keep me grounded.

He’s the kindest, most giving, understanding and accepting person I know. If you need help moving, someone to watch your house while your gone, a little help financially, etc., if he is able to he will help you. And he doesn’t judge at all. He’s also a great listener, if I need to vent about something, he’ll listen and validate my feelings. He’s had a long day at work? No problem, he’ll still come home and massage my feet or back, help me put lotion on, whatever I need.

He loves me enough to be honest. A week or two ago we were in bed and I said “I can’t wait to have my body back” and he said “me too.” At first, I was about to be upset (can we say hormonal?!) but then he said that he loves me, he loves my body and my belly and he loves our son and it was the most perfect, unexpected thing ever.

He’s honorable and loyal. The military life is not easy-it’s strict, it takes you away from your family very regularly, it’s a lot of long days and of course the deployments to combat zones just to mention a few. Ryan has other choices, he even went to college before joining the military and he wasn’t drafted, yet he chooses this.

He’ll surprise me. When I was still in Pennsylvania and he was here he used to have the most gorgeous flowers sent. A few days ago he surprised me with a sewing machine I’ve been asking for but had resigned myself into waiting for.

I know that there are so many more reasons I love him but he is an amazing best friend, partner, husband and he will be an amazing father too. I am so blessed to be his wife.