Hello Third Trimester!

28 weeks today which is  the “official” start of the third trimester! Where has time gone? I swear it was just yesterday I was looking at a pregnancy test that said “pregnant.” In just 12 weeks..3 months is my due date, needless to say we’re kind of busy on the baby front 🙂

Instead of going out and buying everything we need for the baby at once we’re doing it little by little. I have to say I really think this is a less stressful, it can definitely get overwhelming when you look at all the things you need for a baby. A couple months ago I sat down,, decided what we needed/wanted after looking at multiple blog posts, pinterest pins, talking to mom’s about what they really used and couldn’t live without after their babies were born. My list looks kind of like this:

Baby furniture:

Crib (later-we’ll be moving a couple months after the baby is born so he’ll sleep in the pack n play for the first 3 months or so in our room)

Crib mattress (later-same reason as above)

Crib bedding-(later)-after doing research I decided against buying a set for multiple reasons so instead I’ll buy multiple crib sheets, a waterproof crib mattress pad, and blankets, including a quilt a friend is making for us!

Pack n play with bassinet

Changing table (maybe)– I decided against one

Bouncy seat (getting from my sister later after moving)

Swing (getting from my sister after moving)

Highchair (also getting from my sister after moving when we need it, we’re so lucky!)

Car seat

Stroller (buying from my sister)


Cloth Diapers and everything needed with it (this is new to the list!)

Diaper Bag



Baby Wash



Bath tub

Burp Cloths






Clothes (including a coming home outfit)-also getting lots of clothes from my sister since she had her son last August

Health/toiletry kit (thermometer, clippers, pain/fever reducer, nasal aspirator, diaper rash cream, etc.)

Baby proofing kit


Nursing pads

Nursing bras

Nipple Cream

Nursing Cover


Milk Storage Bags/Milk Savers



Moby or Boba Wrap

A lot of the small stuff we’re registered for so we’ll wait to buy those things till after the baby shower. We have: the pack n play, car seat (thanks to my in-laws!), some clothes I’ve picked up at a thrift store in various sizes, a pack of receiving blankets, burp cloths, a 3 pack of onsies from Target, a super soft rattle, a 2 hat and mitten set, nursing covers, wipes cover (gift from a friend), diaper bag (may purchase another), a Cloud B Soothing Sounds Giraffe (secret sender gift), a 2 pack of bottles I got brand new for $3, fabric to make a blanket and burp rags and stuff, and possible a couple other odds and ends I’ve picked up. This month I’ll be working on buying cloth diapers, the Moby or Boba wrap and getting stuff for the baby shower!

Since Ryan finally found out when he would be out of town for work we were able to tentatively set the date for the baby shower. I can’t wait to start buying and making things for it! I’ve been scouring Pinterest for ideas and I have an awesome, crafty friend here who is helping and we’re making as much as possible as far as food, favors and decorations. I’ll order the cake from probably another military spouse here who has much more experience than us 🙂

I also have to schedule maternity pictures. This also means I need to start shopping for outfits for our photo shoot!

Researching things has become a favorite past time of mine lately. I’ve downloaded so many books recently I’m sure I’ll never read them all, I just believe knowledge is power and I’ve been hoping it would sooth some of my anxiety. There’s so much to know about babies. Natural birthing information, circumcision vs not,  breastfeeding, cloth diapering, baby led solids, different parenting styles and techniques, and so much more, these are just things I’ve decided will work well with our family.

Baby classes start in May. Kind of along with this I should start thinking about hospital bags and at least start making a list.

Things are moving along quickly and I can’t imagine how fast the next 3 months will go compared to the first 7 especially with so much going coming up!